Thursday, August 20, 2015

Exciting Times!!!

Hello Friends!
So I promised to keep this going and that's what I am going to do.  I am so pumped to announce that I will be starting a new journey in the next few weeks.  I am joining the BEACHBODY family!

I have been looking for a new way to get healthy and make it fun at the same time.  As I sit here at home on my couch after taking the day off of work because I felt terrible, I have come to the conclusion that I do this to myself.  I make myself sick by mistreating my body and I am done.  I don't want to feel sick to my stomach or have terrible headaches anymore because I cannot seem to control my blood sugar.  It is my own fault for taking my own life for granted.  I only get one and it's time to make it count.  

I know having a great support system is just the beginning and that is one thing that the Beach Body family can provide.  I look forward to a fufulling future with these folks and hope that I can help just one person feel like they are important.  God loves us all no matter our flaws, but sometimes it IS hard to accept ourselves.  That is what I am striving toward in my own life look forward to sharing my story!

I am jumping head first into this and not looking back!

Here is my first of many programs I plan on trying out!
The 21 Day Fix

Thanks for the support and GOD BLESS!

Friday, August 14, 2015


Well, this wasn't what I had planned. I wanted to be an inspiration for overweight girls who really struggle to find their place.

 I have gained 35 lbs since October of last year and have been informed for my health I HAVE to get back to a healthy weight. It has been tough, but I am at it again!

 Also, I checked out Melissa McCarthy's new clothing line for *all women* and well unless you can afford to pay $100 for jeans then its definitely not geared to all women. How depressing!
 I did try out a new clothing rental service called Gwynnie Bee and I must say I love it! If you struggle finding things you really like to fit your frame then I highly suggest you give it a shot.

Try it out for 30 days free here~  Gwynnie Bee Free Trial

Here is a list of this weeks yummy meals to get me back on track!

I plan on being as accountable as I can and i will be posting some lovely photos of my progress including my meal prep!

 Feel free to PIN away!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

It's a New Life

Over the last few years I have contemplated whether or not starting a blog was something for me.  It's not like I have all this free time to brainstorm and hope my invisible followers would fall in love with my not so exciting life.  I realize now, that it really is just about finding something I am passionate about.  All I hope pray, is that I am able to reach just one person.  To become that inspiration someone needs in order to push just a little bit harder.  To know that they are not alone in this journey
to love themselves a little more.

I'm an Alabama girl living "quite happily I might add" in a Tennessee world.  I am married to a wonderful man who is about to graduate from college FINALLY in May of 2015 with a degree in Software Engineering. We have 2 cats and a goofy boxer who seem to run our small 2 bedroom apartment.  I have a 9 year old son who at the current time lives with his father in Alabama and I can't wait for the day he is back with me!  I work at a small family owned company
where I work in sales/customer service and feel so grateful that God gave me the opportunity to work with such an amazing group of people doing a job I find so exciting.  We don't know where the Lord will take us within the next year with graduation coming up so quick, but we will take whatever is thrown our way.

My main purpose of starting this blog is to give girls just like me who have been overweight for most of their lives the inspiration and the push they need to GET UP and GET ACTIVE.  About 2 months ago I went to the doctor for a check up (I have diabetes) and stepped on the scale to realize I had hit 278 lbs.  I knew I was heavy, wearing a size 24, but to know that I was about to be 300 lbs if I didn't do something soon was devastating.  I am 27 years old and at this rate, I would have been dead by 40.
My father passed away at 41 from a heart attack and I know he would kick my butt to see what I have become.  I decided right then, that I was done being fat.  I know we all say I'm going to lose weight or I really WANT to go to the gym but I don't have the money.  Here is what I say to you.  YOU DO.  How much are you money are you spending on those donuts you sneak when you are alone or the burgers, fries, chicken nuggets and milkshake you have to have because you can't make up your mind on just one?  I was that girl.  When I was little I would buy those Krispy Kreme fundraiser donuts from kids at school and hide them in my room.  I still did it until recently.  I remember my husband cleaning out my car and finding a box of half eaten donuts under my driver seat and how upset I was, not because he found them, but because I forgot they were there and I didn't get to finish them.  The point I am trying to make here is that you can afford it.  Even if you can't get to a gym, you can do SOMETHING to get moving.  I want to show you that even the poorest of us can make that change for a better life.  That is what I am here to do.  I always thought I couldn't be healthy because I couldn't afford it and it was just too hard, but I am here to tell you that is so far from true.  We will get to that in time.  I promise.  For now just know that God loves you whatever size you may be, but he wants you to live a long happy healthy life and that will not happen until you decide your life is worth more than that bag of potato chips you just can't put down.

I have lost almost 20 lbs in 2 months and it is just the beginning.
God Bless